Top Tips To Declutter Your Home Ready To Sell

Yellow Flowers in a vase and books on a coffee table

Little and often is the best way to declutter your home so as to not feel overwhelmed, start with 5 minutes at a time. If you’re new to decluttering, you can slowly build momentum with just five minutes at a time. Here are our top tips on different ways to declutter your home.


View your home as a potential buyer

It’s easy to forget what your home looks like to a new visitor. Enter your home as if you’re a potential buyer. Think about your first impressions of how clean and organised the home is and make changes if needed. If you have a close friend who is able to be open and honest it may be worth asking them to give their opinion to help give you an insight into what other people see and where you can make small changes. 


Fill a bin bag

Get a charity bag and fill it as fast as you can with things you can donate to charity or on social media then get a bin bag and fill it as fast as you can with things you need to dispose of. It’s best to do this method of de-cluttering just before waste collection day so you can pop the rubbish out and it can be whisked away quickly!


Take the 12-12-12 challenge

Locate 12 items to throw away, 12 to donate, and 12 to be returned to their proper home. This is a method you can get the kids involved with by challenging them to the 12-12-12 challenge in their room.


Donate clothes you never wear

To identify them, simply hang all your clothes on hangers in the reverse direction. After wearing an item, face the hanger in the correct direction. Discard the clothes you never touched after a few months. If you are particularly good at sorting clothes then you may be able to do a quick sort by pulling everything out of your wardrobe and putting it on the floor in type order (i.e Jeans, tops, dresses etc) then sorting through each pile to see what stays and what goes. Chances are you have forgotten you had some of the clothes – An instant new wardrobe!


Use the Three-Box Method

Get three boxes and label them: rubbish, give away and re-locate. Enter any room in your home and place items into one of the boxes. It will help you know exactly what to do with each item. Just remember to empty the boxes accordingly rather than storing them!


Make the most of storage

If you can’t throw any more things away then storage is the key! If you're tight on cupboard space, under-the-bed storage works wonders. Store any out-of-season clothes or accessories in space-saving vacuum storage bags. Before storing any clothes, toss any that have rips, stains, or pulls.